Jフォンダ、故Mジャクソンと裸で… デイリースポーツ 2015年10月17日 |
ジェーン・フォンダ(77)が今は亡きマイケル・ジャクソンと裸で泳ぎに行った過去を明かした。 ジェーンは1981年作『黄昏』の撮影現場にマイケルが遊びに来た時、2人で水着も着ずに泳ぎにいったというエピソードをザ・ハリウッド・リポーターにこう語った。 「マイケルは10日間くらい滞在していたの。 私たちは一緒に住んでいたのよ。 それで彼と素っ裸で泳ぎにいったんだけど、あとグレタ・ガルボもね!」 ジェーンはまた、同作で母親役を演じていたキャサリン・ヘプバーンが当初、マイケルが現場に来ていることを良く思っていなかったという事実も明かしており、 「最初キャサリンに了承を得ようとしたら、彼女はあまり良い顔をしなかったわ。 でもスタッフが 『君は分かっていないね、マイケル・ジャクソンなんだよ』 と言ったの。 彼女は怒りっぽい人でね。まぁ、お高くとまった気分屋で、批判するタイプの人だったのよ」 しかし、(2003年に他界した)キャサリンは、すぐにマイケルと打ち解けたそうで、その後にはマイケルに仕事上のアドバイスまでしていたそうだ。 「マイケルは映画スターになりたかったの。 彼はちょうど『ウィズ』を終えたところで、テープレコーダーを持ち歩いていたから、私は毎日彼を現場に連れて行って、撮影の合間には一緒に座って話を聞かせていたわ。 そのすべてがレッスンとなっていたのよ」 (BANG Media International) |
Jane Fonda Remembers Michael Jackson: "I Went Skinny Dipping With Him" THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER by. Stephen Galloway 10/14/2015 |
GALLOWAY: You said she was one of the two most fascinating people you ever met. The other being your third husband, Ted Turner. Why? What made her fascinating? FONDA: Oh, well she was on the one hand very prickly. I mean she was a snob, she was very moody, she was very judgmental. Michael Jackson came and stayed for ten days on the set. And when I first asked her permission, there’s this young singer, a black young singer that I would like to invite, she was not happy. Black kid is going to? But then the crew said you don't understand. It's Michael Jackson. And so she went... GALLOWAY: And he stayed at your house? FONDA: He did. We lived together. I went skinny dipping with him. GALLOWAY: Wow. [LAUGHTER] FONDA: Also, by the way, with Greta Garbo. GALLOWAY: Oh wow. FONDA: Which you would know if you read my book. Anyway... GALLOWAY: Well the Michael Jackson story isn't there. FONDA: No, I took — listen, the stories that I took out of there could make a whole new book, and probably will one day. [LAUGHTER] But, you know, so she had that attitude about allowing a young kid that she'd never heard of... But she accepted him; he wanted to be a movie star — he had just finished doing The Wiz. And he had a tape recorder with him, and every day I would bring him to the set, and in between scenes she would sit down in a chair and pull over a chair for him and tell him stories. I wish I knew where those tapes were. And every story embedded a lesson: for example, she talked about Laurette Taylor, probably one of the great American actors of all time, and anyone who was alive to see Laurette Taylor in Glass Menagerie has seen as great a moment of acting as... GALLOWAY: Did you see her onstage? FONDA: No, I'm not that old. [LAUGHTER] So she described to Michael seeing this transcendent piece of acting. She then saw her 25 or 30 years later playing the same role, the magic was gone. GALLOWAY: Oh wow. FONDA: And she said to Michael, “She wasn't hungry anymore.” What a great thing to say to a young, rising star like Michael: You gotta stay hungry. Don't ever phone it in. Don't ever take it for granted. You know what I mean? GALLOWAY: Are you still hungry? FONDA: Oh, you have no idea. [LAUGHTER] |