"タジ" って、「ティトの息子で3Tのひとり」 という事は知ってても
どの顔だか よく判らない、という御仁のために。


<昔っからその気配はあったけど 近年は完全にティトパパにクリソツ>
でも、痩せると えれーかっけーのよぬ

‥‥などと 冒頭から脱線したくもなりますわ。
日本時間できのう未明 (17日(金) 午前1:35~3:45付)、
タジが2時間にわたって 血を吐くような怒涛のツイをしました。
その途中でたまたま気づいたものの、内容が内容なので ココに書くのを見送りました。
プライベートの重大な告白を いたずらに拡散する行為になってしまうので…
でも、ついさっき (18日(土) 午前2:35付)、
「Sad that the majority of the mainstream media is not interested in researching or printing the truth about my family.
They just want to keep feeding the lies and accusations.」というツイがあり、多方面での拡散を覚悟のうえ・むしろ そうして欲しいことが改めて解ったので
それを知り タジ達の精神面のサポートを試みてくれたりしていたマイケルは 今や、自分自身を守れない…
「だから僕が守るんだ」と、手を震わせながら告白を打ってくれたのでした。 (涙
What people will $ay and do for money and to $tay relevant is $ickening.
De$perate times call for De$perate mea$ures.
I will not sit back and let someone flat out lie about my uncle. PERIOD.
I am writing these words knowing that the minute I press send, my life will never be the same afterwards…
I was sexually abuse. By an uncle (=not MJ) on my mom's side of the family when I was a kid.
My uncle (=MJ) was a support system for me and my mom.
He wrote a letter to her that many have seen already, u just didn't know what it was about
その "letter" というのはコレ。

Dee Dee Please Read
this article About Child Molestation and please read it To Taj T.J. and Taryll,
it Brings out How even your own relatives can be Molesters of Children, or even uncles or aunts Molesting nephew or nieces,
Please read.
Love MJ
ディーディー ぜひとも読んで下さい
これは、自分の親戚,おじ・おばですら 甥や姪に幼児虐待を働くこともあり得るといった内容です。
Love MJ
That is how I KNOW Wade is lying.
Because I AM a survivor.
My hands are still trembling. 

Don't forget I was living at Neverland when Wade testified during my uncle's case.
I sat there and ate dinner with him and his family.
I will not let them smear my Uncle's legacy.
I don't want to go on TV.
I don't want publicity, I just want the truth.
I always told my uncle Michael that I would take a bullet for him.
I mean it today just as much as I meant it back then.
I hate that Wade made me do this, this way.
But since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself.
I will.
Make no mistake.
Since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself.
Even if that means friendships.
Thank you everyone for the support.
Those who seek only fame & $ will do or say anything they can to get it.
Those who seek or fight for the truth should be equally determined.
みんなに愛され、なんの問題もなく スクスク育った
と 色メガネで見られるようになる、という覚悟は
まもなく40歳にもなる男の手を震わせて当然なほどに 苛酷なはず。

<ティト&ディーディー&初めての子 タジ>



も、こんな時 "Why" を聴いてしまったら 滝ナミダ。
止まらーん。 (p_q)
どうして あっという間に冬がやってくるの?